Saturday, July 29, 2023


From Psalm 69;

You answer me, Lord

Out of the goodness of Your love

You rescue me, Lord 

From the deep water of the flood


Let heaven and earth sing 

With grateful hearts tell our story 

Let us honor our King

Tell of His mercy and His love


Friday, July 28, 2023


From Psalm 5;

In the morning Lord, hear my lament

When I pray humbly to You

I cry out for you to protect

Me while I quietly wait on You

Then we who take refuge in You rejoice

In reverence, let's ever sing 

Surely Lord You bless the righteous

Look on us with favour our King


Thursday, July 27, 2023


The book of Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 10 says this;

But take wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them in a single container and make them into bread for yourself. This is what you are to eat during the 390 days you lie on your side. You are to weigh out twenty shekels of food to eat each day, and you are to eat it at set times.

The prophet Ezekiel had been instructed by the Lord to lie on the ground for three hundred and ninety days in front of the city of Jerusalem as a sign to them of the siege that was to come against them.

Ezekiel was then instructed to made bread from a variety of grains and this was what he would have to eat for the three hundred and ninety days that he was lying on the ground.

He was then to ration out the bread by taking a set amount of food each day and was to fix the times during the course of the day that the bread could be eaten.

This would represent what the people of Israel would experience when they went into exile by illustrating the scarcity of food as well as the loss of freedom to choose even their own mealtimes 

The coming judgement would expose the people of Israel to the harshness of servitude and Ezekiel demonstrated this to warn the people.



Wednesday, July 26, 2023


The book of Ezekiel chapter 7 verses 1 - 4 says this;

And the word of the LORD came to me, saying, “O son of man, this is what the Lord GOD says to the land of Israel:

‘The end! The end has come upon the four corners of the land. The end is now upon you, and I will unleash My anger against you. I will judge you according to your ways and repay you for all your abominations.

I will not look on you with pity, nor will I spare you, but I will punish you for your ways and for the abominations among you.

Then you will know that I am the LORD.’

The prophet Ezekiel received a word of warning to give to the land of Israel.

The Lord declared to them that their evil conduct and their iniquity had reached a threshold that triggered judgement upon them that could not be repealed. No pity would be shown to them and when the anger of the Lord was unleashed upon His people, they would certainly know that He is the Lord.

Their violence, pride, idolatry and materialism had sown the seeds of wrath on the land and the  punishment of foreign invasion and  plagues was now inevitable.

Those who survived would flee to the hills where they would tremble and mourn as the unimaginable destruction engulfed their land.



Tuesday, July 25, 2023


The book of Ezekiel chapter 8 verse 4 says this;

And there I saw the glory of the God of Israel, like the vision I had seen in the plain.

This verse, written by the prophet Ezekiel to explains a vision he had where he saw the glory of God that was like a previous vision where he had seen the glory of God in the plain.

This first vision is recorded in Ezekiel chapter 1 verses 26 - 27 as follows;

Above the expanse over their heads was the likeness of a throne with the appearance of sapphire, and on the throne high above was a figure like that of a man. 

From what seemed to be His waist up, I saw a gleam like amber, with what looked like fire within it all around. And from what seemed to be His waist down, I saw what looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded Him.

Such was the glory of God that Ezekiel saw first by the River Kebar and then again at the city of Jerusalem where he had been carried by the Spirit of God.


Monday, July 24, 2023


The book of Ecclessiates chapter 5 verses 1 - 10 says this;

Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

A dream comes when there are many cares, and many words mark the speech of a fool.

When entering the house of God in the spirit, be cautious and self - aware at all times. Listen to the things being said rather than speaking hasty words. Weigh everything you have to say before you say it and do not spontaneously utter anything. The general rule of thumb is to speak a minimal number  few words.

Because God is in heaven and we are on earth, the words we speak in the temporal realm are received in an eternal realm and here, they are measured more stringently that we can.

The visitor into the spirit is cautioned to be calm by putting aside cares and worries because they stir up distracting dreams and many words signify that the speech containing them is that of an inartful person.

Continuing with verse 4;

When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.  It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it. 

Do not let your mouth lead you into sin. And do not protest to the temple messenger, “My vow was a mistake.” Why should God be angry at what you say and destroy the work of your hands? Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God.

When a person vows anything before the Lord, it is imperative that the promise is promptly kept.

The fear of the Lord must instigate us to fulfil any obligations we have towards Him with no delays or retractions for such are sins. Such breaking of the vows made before the Lord can lead to the destruction of one's work. Making vows based on dreams, speculations and streams of words leads to futility of life. 

Continuing with verse 8;

If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still. 

The increase from the land is taken by all; the king himself profits from the fields.

When people are oppressed in the land, it is a sure sign that corruption has infiltrated the country and the hierarchy of leaders in government have colluded to take a portion of the efforts of others and to protect one another from scrutiny.  At the top, the king of the land gathers his share from the structure of officials to his own profit. Such incentives perpetuate the systems of oppression and they are entrenched in the land.

Continuing with verse 10; 

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.

The irrational addiction to money that does not have an upper-limit that is considered enough, leads to a meaningless and futile life that has no eternal significance. 


Sunday, July 23, 2023


The book of Ecclesiates chapter 4 verses 1 - 10 says this:

Again I looked and saw all the oppression that was taking place under the sun:

I saw the tears of the oppressed—and they have no comforter; power was on the side of their oppressors—and they have no comforter.

And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun.

The reality of oppression is that once people have fallen under oppression, they are powerless to end it and even though they cry,  no man comes to their aid. Men, their fallen state under the dominion of darkness, have no power to redeem themselves. Only the Lord brings comfort by His Holy Spirit and orchestrates their reprieve from oppression as their redeemer.

Continuing with verse 4;

And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Fools fold their hands and ruin themselves.

Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.

Here, the ceaseless work that is expended to try keep up with the Jones and participating in the rat race is described as a pointless  futility but on the other hand, sitting  around idly is a recipe for personal ruin. 

Gaining one portion of provision through the tranquility and peace of spiritual blessing is better than working in the flesh to gain two portions.

Continuing with verse 7;

Again I saw something meaningless under the sun:

There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. 

There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.

“For whom am I toiling,” he asked, “and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?”

This too is meaningless—a miserable business!

The futility of endlessly working and accumulating wealth with no one to share it with lead to a question arising, "For whom am I toiling".

This may in fact  be the impetus of the Son of God  to create the human race for He had no son or brother and in the human race, He has those He calls sons and brothers with whom He shares His inheritance.

Continuing with verse 9;

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Here, the amplification of effectiveness by joining forces with others is illustrated. Two persons working in concert are able to create some efficiencies that allow them to achieve more. As well, in unified teams, there are some safeguards against permanently falling.

In teams of two, they can help each other stand if they fall and they can effectively defend against attacks by being able to guard each other's backs and when one sleeps, the other can watch.

Teams of three people working in unity are not easily broken apart by enemy forces. 

If a team of two is under sever attack, a third member brings exponentially more defensive power.

The scripture here advises us to form small  teams of two  and even three when engaging in the things of the spirit.
