Friday, June 21, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 17 verse 4 says this;

“In that day the glory of Jacob will fade; the fat of his body will waste away.

The day that the Lord's judgement against Damascus arrives, destruction is brought to Aram (Syria).

The kingdom of Assyria moves through the land and with the buffer of Aram removed, the kingdom of Judah is threatened.

In this unstable reality, Judah's glory fades and her prosperity ends as the economic climate darkens which is metaphorically represented as the fat of Jacob's wasting away and his body becoming lean.

In this severe environment, the remnant of Israel will turn away from the idolatrous altars and practices and will again have reverent regard for their maker.

When the judgement presses both Aram and Israel, they are brought into ruinous condition but suddenly, the destroyers are withdrawn and are no more. Verse 14 say it this way;

At evening time, now look, sudden terror! Before morning the Assyrians are no more.

This is the portion (fate) of those who plunder us, And the lot of those who pillage us.



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