Wednesday, July 24, 2024


The second part of the thought of the king of Assyria continues in Isaiah chapter 10 verse 11 which says;

shall I not deal with Jerusalem and her images as I dealt with Samaria and her idols?’”

The Assyrian king (representing Lucifer), having concluded that Jerusalem and Samaria were inferior to the nations he had already conquered due to their inferior idols and spiritual practices, said to himself that he would easily be able to deal with Jerusalem even as he had dealt with Samaria.

He was confident that he would be able to handle not only Jerusalem but the spiritual entity that backed up Jerusalem. He had conquered Samaria and their spirit overlords and felt the same would be true of Jerusalem.

Lucifer had made an error in the calculus. Jerusalem was under judgement by the Lord for inquity and the pursuit of false gods but there was a remnant in Jerusalem that the God of heaven and earth was interested in and as homely and dishevelled as they looked, the power of God was soon going to be directed at the enemies of God's people and Lucifer would recieve retalliatory blasts that would shatter what was left of his kingdom.

As verse 17 says;

The Light of Israel will become a fire,  their Holy One a flame; in a single day it will burn and consume his thorns and his briers.


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