Wednesday, July 07, 2021


The God of heaven and earth is a sovereign king and is Lord of all.

His ranking is the highest possible ranking that is  beyond our ability to conceive.

His Kingship is the expression of His absolute authority over all creation and His every interaction with creation is from the perspective of an eternal absolute Monarch.

It is from His Kingship that His mercy and His generosity and His benevolence and His patience and His grace flow from. A king of great authority trades is these characteristics as a hallmark of their kingship. 

An insecure and limited king would never be lavishly generous or gracious or patient. In fact, such a king would showcase impatience, miserlyness and graceslessness to exert authority through intimidation.

Our Lord and God, in His limitless assuredness and wisdom, moves gracefully in His sovereign Kingship seeking to include as many as possible in the responsibility of rulership.

Our Lord seeks to bring believers in Jesus into a place of responsibility over tasks and routines and jurisdictions in His kingdom.

Our sovereign King calls us into a shared role with Him in the care of matters of His awesome kingdom of light. 

“and He has made us {to be} a kingdom, priests to His God and Father--to Him {be} the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.”

                                -  Revelation 1 verse 6


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