Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Psalm 115 verse 9 says this;

All you Israelites, trust in the Lord

  —he is their help and shield.

House of Aaron, trust in the Lord

  —he is their help and shield.

You who fear him, trust in the Lord

  —he is their help and shield.

This passage is a section out of a larger poem (or song) extolling the glory of the Lord and contrasting Him who is present and active with the idols of all the other nations who are blind, deaf, mute, numb and motionless.

Starting with verse 9, the Israelites in general are encouraged to trust in God for He is their help and shield.

Verse 10 then narrows the intended listeners down to the House of Aaron which was the priestly house which served the Lord directly in His tabernacle and temple and encourages them to trust God who is their help and shield.

Verse 11 then narrows the target audience even further to those closest to God and they are described as those who fear the Lord. They are encouraged to trust in the Lord for He is their help and shield.

This progression from the general to the specific is echoed in verses 12 and 13 where the blessing of God is promised to the people of Israel and then to a narrower group which is the house of Aaron and then finally to a group whose credentials are measure within their hearts; those who fear the Lord. In their case, an added caveat indicates that those who fear the Lord will be blessed whether they are small or great.

The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless his people Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike.



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