Thursday, August 15, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 10 verse 28 says this;

They go over the pass, and say, “We will camp overnight at Geba.”

Ramah trembles;  Gibeah of Saul flees.

Continuing from verse 27 which we examined yesterday,  we look now see some details of the retreat of the Assyrians.

As they escape from the debilitating plagues that are being visited upon them,  they march away over a mountain pass so as to be able to defend their retreat.

As the Assyrians crowd into Geba to camp, Ramah ( which is just 2 miles down the road ), is in fear because of the proximity of the harsh army.

Seven miles away, the town of Gibeah evacuates in fear of the Assyrian army.

In the spiritual realm, the retreating army of darkness acts vengefully towards those it comes across and those in its path of retreat suffer the violence and violation of its creed.


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