Monday, February 10, 2025


Judas Iscariot, knowing that Jesus and the disciples would be on the mount of Olives in the garden called Gethsemane, led the enforcers from the chief priests and the elders up to where Jesus was, and indicated who their quarry was by using the prearranged signal of a kiss.

When the enforcers arrested Jesus, Peter the disciple, in a frantic response, grabbed a sword and cut off the ear of the high priestˋs servant. 

Jesus, now under arrest, spoke to His followers not to resist with their weapons because a kingdom sustained by weapons would ultimately die by weapons.

He attempted to assure the disciples that even at that time, he could have asked the Father to make twelve legions of angels available to defend them from the authorities but what was happening was the fulfillment of scripture.

He asked the arresting officers why they had come to take Him in the night when He was with them all day long in the temple. He answered His own question by stating that the fulfillment of prophecy was shaping the sequence of events and the long prophecied 

The disciples who had been with Him, suddenly lost heart and abandoned Jesus in the hands of His captors fulfilling the prophecy of Zecharia chapter 13 verse 7 which said;

ˋStrike the Shepherd, And the sheep will be scatteredˋ

Matthew chapter 26 verses 47 - 56 captures when the Lord Jesus was given into the hands of sinners and reads this way;

47 And while He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and elders of the people.

48 Now His betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the One; seize Him.” 49 Immediately he went up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed Him.

50 But Jesus said to him, “Friend, why have you come?”

Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took Him. 51 And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.

52 But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? 54 How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?”

55 In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to take Me? I sat daily with you, teaching in the temple, and you did not seize Me. 56 But all this was done that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.”

Then all the disciples forsook Him and fled.

And thus Jesusˋ ordeal began with Him alone and engulfed in the ranks of His enemies.

 Psalm 17 verses 8 - 12 foretold the moment of arrest from Jesusˋ point of view as He prayed to His Father to keep Him in the apple of His eye.

                    Keep me as the apple of your eye;

    hide me in the shadow of your wings

9 from the wicked who are out to destroy me,

    from my mortal enemies who surround me.

10 They close up their callous hearts,

    and their mouths speak with arrogance.

11 They have tracked me down, they now surround me,

    with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.

12 They are like a lion hungry for prey,

    like a fierce lion crouching in cover.

What a great price our Lord paid for us.


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