Thursday, February 25, 2021


The Lord our God mysteriously works in us to transform us from entities led by the flesh into entities that are led by the Spirit.

If you want to know if your are spiritually healthy, you will wake up in the morning and find yourself inexplicably joyful and peaceful.

It is in this mode that a Christian is strong and effective.

However, if you find that you have lost your joy and that you no longer feel peaceful, you are experiencing an indicator that something is awry and you must make it a top priority to  inquire of the Spirit to show you what is wrong.

The Lord has marked President DJT as the rightful president of the U.S. and the de facto leader of the free world.

Knowing that the Lord has spoken through His prophets that He will do a dramatic thing to correct the injustice of the deceptive election,  we who believe in the Lord should be filled with joy and exhilaration at the prospect of seeing a might work of the Lord in our realm. 

The joy is our strength that sustains us and energizes us to pray and celebrate the wonderful ways of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our creator and redeemer.

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