Tuesday, May 18, 2021


The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it.

Even we humans were made by God. There is no part of our own existence that we are responsible for.

The Lord created us and knows each of us extremely well because we all came from Him. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. We are all formed with a purpose in the kingdom of God. 

He made us and set us free so that we might, by our own free expression and will, consign ourselves to His objectives. 

However, we are born into this world as rebels against God. Upon growing up, we find ourselves among a race of rebels and that we all cooperate with each other in our rebellion.

We, as a race, chose to set our own agenda and cast away the possibility of living our lives by the agenda of God.

It is here that Christianity speaks. 

We are rebels but most of us know there is something amiss. We know that we are wearied by our own evil behaviour and by the evil behaviour of other people. We know that we are running headlong into destruction and we can do nothing about it.

The rebellion in each of us has a remedy through the death, resurrection and lordship of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

If we reach a point in our lives  where we acknowledge our evil ways and repent from them and call upon Jesus to save us, He will provide the redemption for us that extricates us from the kingdom of darkness and translates us into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The God who created us, set us free to choose whichever way we wished to live including remaining in the center of God's purpose. 

Our progenitors chose rebellion against God but even now, we are given a choice  between  living independently of God and taking our chances with whoever (or whatever) replaces Him and  living under the domain of God our creator.

The making of this choice would require these actions:

1 - Surrender from the rebellion against God by          repenting of our sin and believing in Jesus            Christ who died for us to give us life.

2 - Stay in rebellion by doing anything else other         than item 1.

This is the choice we must make while we are alive on earth because our death marks the sealing of the decision.

Chose life.


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