Ezekiel chapter 3 verse 14 says this;
The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the Lord on me.
This verse contains the words of Ezekiel the prophet after he had been lifted up into the spiritual realm and given a message by the Lord to take to the children of Israel telling them to repent for their rebellion.
In the astonishing vision, Ezekiel had seen the majesty and glory of the Lord as well as the indescribable winged creatures that surround the throne of God.
After the events of the vision transpired, Ezekiel was lifted up by the Spirit of God and returned to the banks of the River Chebar where he sat in a state of shock for seven days because of the vision he saw and also because of the enormity of the task that he had been given.
The verse reveals an instructive item surrounding the spiritual encounter that Ezekiel had.
Ezekiel's spirit welled up in bitterness and anger against the sinfulness of Israel when the strong arm of the Lord was upon him. This implies that being in the arms of the Lord can confer God's negative responses towards sinfulness to us and as a result, we find sin intolerable.
This is reminiscent of when Isaiah the prophet first entered the presence of God and was suddenly overwhelmed by the awareness of his own sinfulness and the sin of the people he lived among. This detail is found in the book of Isaiah chapter 6 verse 5.
Bless the Lord who permits his servants to visit the heavenly realm and who shows us His holiness and majesty.
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