Tuesday, March 07, 2023


Ezekiel chapter 19 verses 4 - 5 says this;

The nations also heard of him; He was trapped in their pit, And they brought him with chains to the land of Egypt.

‘When she saw that she waited, that her hope was lost, She took another of her cubs and made him a young lion.

This passage reveals a rare window into the super-structure of nations where spiritual powers wrestle for advantage in order to maintain the  dominion of darkness over the entire human race. This is often done by targeting the people who are  potential threats to their rulership over mankind and rendering them helpless.

The person in question here is Joseph the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham whom the council in heaven began to prepare for a destiny related to the formation of a nation that would ultimately play a part in the plan for salvsalvation for mankind.

However, adversarial nations detected a potential in him to play a part in the plan of the salvation of mankind and so to counter it, they orchestrated the sale of Joseph by his brothers to slave traders by spiritually manipulating his brothers through their envy of Joseph.

This resulted in the enslavement and imprisonment of Joseph in Egypt where he remained for many years.

The princes of Israel, seeing that the person they had hoped in was lost to the prisons of Egypt, began to form another plan for the future but in the meantime, the person they thought their enemies had neutralized in Egypt, ended up rising and being a fulcrum in the unfolding story of salvation.

Unwittingly, the spiritual nations, when  acting to block the plan of salvation, laid down conditions that made God's salvation more sure.

In the case of Joseph, the powers of this world believed that he was a likely route by which salvation would come and they had him imprisoned in Egypt but they did not understand that salvation would come through all the sons of Jacob and that Joseph, through their own machinations, was actually being sent ahead to Egypt to preserve the family through a coming drought because he would ultimately be elevated to prime minister in charge of preserving families through droughts. 

This then made it possible for the whole family to move to Egypt and grow into a large nation. Over time, the children of Israel were enslaved by the Egyptians and so finally, they had to be saved from bondage in Egypt to return to their homeland in a great metaphoric narrative of the coming salvation of men

Thus the spiritual nations' schemes to thwart the plan of God's salvation for mankind were themselves woven into the great plan of the salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

How great is our God.



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