Wednesday, May 17, 2023


The book of Hebrews chapter 8 verse 12 quotes from the book of Jeremiah chapter 31 verses 31 -  34 ending in this verse;

For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”

The prophecy by the prophet Jeremiah foretells of a new covenant that would make the old covenant obsolete and the passage lists the defining characteristics of the new covenant between God and His people.

This list looks at the characteristics of the old covenant and compares them with those of the new covenant listed by Jeremiah;

  • Recording media 
  • The old covenant was written on stone
  • The new covenant would be written in their minds and hearts

  • Entry into the Covenant
  • In the old covenant, the Lord chose His people by their descendancy from Abraham 
  • The new covenant would be with people who chose the Lord to be their God through faith

  • Access to God
  • In the old covenant, Moses and the leaders knew God and taught the people
  • In the new covenant, from least to greatest, all people would know God directly and would be taught by Him

  • State of Pardon
  • In the old covenant, the sins of the people were removed from them and cast as far as east is from west
  • In the new covenant, the Lord would forgive the peoples' wickedness and erase their sin from His mind
This comparison shows how the new covenant has better promises and thus it rendered the old covenant obsolete as Hebrews chapter 8 verse 13 says;

By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.



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