Monday, February 19, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 14 verse 10 says this;

They will all respond, they will say to you, “You also have become weak, as we are; you have become like us.”

This verse captures the words of the former leaders of the earth who occupied the realm of the dead. 

They stirred to witness the descent of the man of lawlessness named the king of Babylon.

They comment on how the one who had been mighty in power and pomp was now stripped of everything and rendered as a feeble being who was to reside in the lowest pits of gloom.

These residents, who were formerly  rulers on earth, were now weak and they watched as the one whom they emulated joined them in the same condition as they were.

They may have believed that for all the power he wielded, the king of Babylon would have been able to save them from their abode in the darkness but instead, they saw him to be as helpless as they were.

The finality of their position was confirmed to them when they witnessed this event.


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