Sunday, August 11, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 10 verse 26 says this;

The Lord Almighty will lash them with a whip, as when he struck down Midian at the rock of Oreb; and he will raise his staff over the waters, as he did in Egypt.

This verse speaks of the ways that the Lord will take action against the Assyrians when His anger is redirected toward them.

These actions are compared to specific actions that were taken against the enemies of the children Israel when they were leaving the bondage of Egypt.

Firstly, the  Assyrians will be struck with a whip as Midian was struck at the rock of oreb by the remnant of 300 men under Gideon.

As Midian was struck down, the present oppressors will be suddenly surprised in their camps and they will be struck and sent scattering in a panic. Some of their leaders will be tracked down as Oreb and Zeeb were tracked down and they will be put down as described in the book of Judges chapter 7.

Secondly, just as the staff of Moses was raised over the waters in Egypt to turn all their surface water to blood,  the Lord's staff will be raised over the waters of the Assyrians and their resources will be turned to blood.

Every resource that the Assyrians have amassed for themselves will become as blood and carry an unbearable stench and will be rendered unusable.

Thus , two prongs of action against the Assyrians will leave them defeated.



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