Friday, October 04, 2024


Mathew chapter 7 verse 6 carries two injunctions from the Lord Jesus along with three consequences for failing to uphold the injuctions.

“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

The two injuctions are;

  • Do not give holy things to the dogs
  • Do not present pearls (precious items) to pigs
The consequences for doing so are;
  • The holy and precious things are trampled
  • The pigs and dogs turn against you
  • The pigs and dogs tear you apart
This teaching reveals a dynamic that exists when people in the kingdom of God are interacting with those who are not.

The holy and precious things are articles that are revealed to those who frequent the corridors of the kingdom of God.

Holy things are spiritual impliments and instruments that spiritual people employ to facilitate transactions betweeen the realms of the spirit and the realms of the temporal.

Pearls represent valuable spiritual treasures that can be traded for by sacrifice and labour in the natural realm. Revealed spiritual mysteries and spiritial knowledge are examples of pearls.

Dogs represent those people who are in the household of God but have not  ascended beyond the life of the flesh and have returned to their vomit.

Pigs represent those who are dominated by demonic spirits and operate as functionaries of the kingdom of darkness.

When walking in the spirit as is the requirement of citizenship in the kingdom of God, disernment must be utilized when interacting with people to distinquish between those to whom holy and precious things can be given lest the holy things be defiled and the precious things be devalued.



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