At the onset of Jesusˋ public ministry in Jerusalem during the Passover, many people were drawn to Him and believed in His name when they saw the miraculous works He was doing.
The book of John chapter 2 verses 23 - 25 records the people of Jerusalemˋs initial positive reception of His ministry and the passage also records Jesusˋ reserved reciprocation to that response.
23 Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. 24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, 25 and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.
Even though the people of Jerusalem, upon seeing the supernatural works Jesus was doing in their midst saw Him in a favourable light, Jesus was reticent about basing His ministry on the wave of popularity that was rising in the city.
He was fully aware of the fickle hearts of men who could, on one hand, be attracted to the novelty of a sincere and authoritative religious leader and then turn against that leader at the drop of a hat if the trends and fashion dictated so.
Jesus, the one for whom, and by whom and through whom all existance was created, was there at the beginning during the creation of mankind and therefore knew, without needing to hear from anyone, what was in man.
He was cool toward the reception He got in Jerusalem knowing that it was only the protracted exposure to His mission would reveal the true hearts of men.
Jesus did not run roughshod over the weak embers of faith that were igniting in some people of Jerusalem but He was gentle and gave room for their faith to quietly take hold and indeed some people were truly persuaded of the validity of His mission.
The book of Isaiah chapter 42 verses 1 - 4 says this is the One who was sent;
1 “Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights!
I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles.
2 He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street.
3 A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench;
He will bring forth justice for truth.
4 He will not fail nor be discouraged, Till He has established justice in the earth;
And the coastlands shall wait for His law.”
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