Tuesday, June 01, 2021


As we go through our lives, we sometimes reach points when we realize that the pursuits we have been preoccupied with have deteriorated into smouldering ruins around us.

All the energy we have expended on these pursuits has gone up in the acrid smoke of the dumpster fire of our hopes and dreams.

At these junctures, there is no where else to turn. We must stand before the Lord and seek His grace and mercy. We must confess our part in the train wrecks be it our stubbornness, our willful disobedience to the councel of God or even launching out with our grand designs without submitting ourselves to the guidance of the Lord.

Having reached the dead end in your circumstance, ask the Lord for wisdom and ask Him to order your steps so that it is He who selects your path and that it is His Kingdom you are serving.

The Lord will  turn all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.


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