Thursday, February 16, 2023


Proverbs chapter 12 verse 10 says this;

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

This proverb attests to the fact the righteous are attuned to those arround them who are vulnerable.

In this case, animals are often at the bottom of the list of priorities and are easily  neglected but the righteous keep track of those in their care and attend to the things they need.

To correctly care for animals requires sensitivity and understanding and the righteous, being soft-hearted, carefully consider the things that pertain to the health, comfort and happiness of their animals.

The wicked, on the other hand, pay little heed to the delicate balances that are needed for the proper care of animals and so even when they think they are being kind, they are actually subjecting their animals to cruelty.

Any living creature, man or beast, in our care, needs attention to the details of the things they need to live.

1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 18 says this; 

For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker  deserves his wages.”,  

The apostle Paul said the law against muzzling an ox that was treading grain pertained to the ministers of God doing the work of the gospel having the right to draw a living from the gospel.

From this, we can infer that our proverb, which is also about the welfare of animals, is adjuring us to pay attention to the welfare of those in our midst who serve as the Lord's ministers.

Any minister serving the Lord should be cared for with at least as much tenderness and love that the righteous expend on their animals.  



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