Wednesday, January 03, 2024


The book of Ezekiel chapter 9 verse 4, recording the words of the Lord directed at a man who came from heaven with a writing impliment at his side,  says this;

and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”

The man from heaven had been summoned with a loud voice to report to the temple in Jerusalem.

He was given the instruction to go to every part of the city and use the writing tool  to mark the foreheads of the people who were grieved by the things being done there.

This mark on their foreheads excluded them from the judgement of death that was coming to the city.

Six other men were summoned with weapons to bring judgement on the whole of Jerusalem but if they came across a person who had been marked on the forehead, they were to spare that person.

When the prophet Ezekiel lamented to the Lord about the judgement that was falling upon the people who were already but a remnant of the people of Israel, the Lord told Ezekiel that the judgement was brought upon the people because they had cultivated injustice and bloodshed.

The few of those in the city who were aghast over the injustice and bloodshed were the ones left as a remnant of a remnant.


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