Sunday, June 23, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 17 verse 4 says this;

“In that day the glory of Jacob will fade; the fat of his body will waste away.

Revisiting this verse, we consider the context of the diminishing glory of Israel in a day to come.

Assyria, the great power of the time, overruns Aram ( syria) and destroys the capital city Damascus.

This then exposes Israel to direct proximity with the Assyrian empire.

Israel,  under pressure, is compelled to continue affairs in a much more reserved manner.

National expenditure is routed away from luxuries and grand projects and towards defence spending and military buildup.

The nation transitions to a leaner frame in the face of the existential threat. The remnant in Israel becomes more observant and turns away from the idolatrous practices that had crept into the culture.

As verse 7 - 8 says; 

In that day man will have regard for his Maker, And his eyes will regard the Holy One of Israel [with awe-inspired reverence].

And he will not have regard for the [idolatrous] altars, the work of his hands, Nor will he look to that which his fingers have made, Neither the Asherim (symbols of the goddess Asherah) nor the incense altars.


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