Thursday, July 11, 2024


The book of Isaiah 10 verse 14 says this;

As one reaches into a nest, so my hand reached for the wealth of the nations; as people gather abandoned eggs, so I gathered all the countries; not one flapped a wing, or opened its mouth to chirp.’”

This verse, a continuance of the king of Assyria's thoughts, reveals what he felt the experience of usurping the whole world was akin to.

Having identified that the nest had no guardian, a person slips his hand serepticiously into a nest to take the eggs and similarly, the usurper, noticing the world systems were operating on a trust system, took advantage of their unguarded state and quietly funneled the wealth of nations to himself using pretexts that hid the scale of the theft and the recipient of the wealth.

Then, using the acquired wealth, encircled the globe gathering nation into his dominion like a person gathering abandoned eggs.

Any leaders who were potential opponents to the usurper, found themselves being tricked into taking actions that were then used to discredit them and render them powerless while their nations were quietly taken over by the king of Assyria.

All the world's countries fell into the hands of the anti-Christ and not a single nation fluttered a wing to resist and not a single nation chirped to warn of the methodical takeover by the totalitarian rule of the kingdom that is underway.

Such is the snare the people of the earth unknowingly walked into and even while trapped in the web of deception and being pressed on every side, they did not know that the earth had been ceded over the the enemy of their souls.

The only hope was an intervention by the Lord.


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