Thursday, July 11, 2024


Continuing on from the  book of Isaiah chapter 10 verse 14, we now look at a pivotal point in the narrative which says this;

Does the ax raise itself above the person who swings it, or the saw boast against the one who uses it?

As if a rod were to wield the person who lifts it up, or a club brandish the one who is not wood!

The whole earth, having been subtly taken over by the king of Assyria, is now fully subjugated to the kingdom of darkness without the inhabitants even realizing that their sovereignty has been lost.

It is here that the objection of God to the whole enterprise of darkness is noted.

The king of Assyria had been set in his position to act as an agent of judgement against the Lord's people.

It was from this vantage point that the Assyrian saw an opportunity to pre-emptively make a grab at the whole world and gain total control of the planet so that his will would set the agenda for everything that occured on the earth.

However, the God of Israel questions the appropriation of the authority of directive by a mere instrument.

Mentioning four impliments as metaphors for the purposes to which Assyria was being employed, the Lord lists them as follows;

  • Axes to topple kingdoms
  • Saws to cut nations apart
  • Rods to punish nations
  • Clubs to unlease destruction on nations
These tools, deployed to bring various aspects of God's judgement to the nations, begin to see their role as an opportunity to disregard the intention of the one who wielded them and take entire control of the globe.

They bypass the intention of God and grab for the spoils.

Have mercy on us Oh God.


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