Sunday, April 25, 2021


The Lord our God is the supreme ruler of His wonderful kingdom of righteousness. His kingdom encompasses the areas of heaven and earth. On earth, His kingdom is the means by which His awesome salvation is spread throughout the earth. 

The agents of His kingdom are those willing servants whom He uses as instruments to infiltrate the kingdom of darkness and win people out of darkness and into His marvelous light.  His kingdom is a kingdom of honor,  reconciliation, peace  and  love and therefore the agents He uses for the work of His kingdom will have to be trained in the practice of honor, reconciliation, peace and love. 

The Lord Himself gives righteousness to His agents as they put to death their sinful natures and embrace the life of the Spirit. As they forsake their fleshly desires, He adds to them the training for the works of the Kingdom and they grow in capacity and authority.

Pray unceasingly and subject yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. You will be guided towards growth in the spirit and your function in the kingdom will be shown to you. 


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