Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 17 verse 3 says this;

The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus; the remnant of Aram will be like the glory of the Israelites,” declares the Lord Almighty.

A day of judgement will fall on Israel and Damascus bringing an end to the era of military and political success in both Ephraim and Aram. 

However, there will be a remnant that will emerge from Aram that will be as great as Israel was at its height.

This remnant will look to their maker and will abandon all idols and the accoutrements of idol worship. They will sincerely turn to the Lord and in doing so, will show forth His  power and glory.

This passage points forward to a time when the remnant of gentiles will forsake their pagan practices and honor the God of Israel and their interactions with the God of Israel cause them to rise is glory equal to that of Israel when Israel was in harmony with their God.

Thank you Lord for making a way for the whole world to be saved and added into you kingdom



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