Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The book of Isaiah chapter 19 verses 12 -13 says this;

Where are your wise men now? Let them show you and make known what the Lord Almighty has planned against Egypt.

The officials of Zoan have become fools, the leaders of Memphis are deceived; the cornerstones of her peoples have led Egypt astray.

In Egypt, hierarchies of advisors were in place to give counsel to the goverment to ensure that the power structure was maintained and to ensure that the existing political establishment was entrenched and stable.

With good advice, the kingdom could avoid pitfalls of unrest that could potentially emerge during times of natural and economic calamities.

However, Egypt happened to have chosen the Lord's own people to be their slaves and to oppress them into total submission.

The Lord, hearing their cry, began an endeavour to extricate His people out of the grip of the Egyptians.

This undertaking had many facets including the direct application of debilitating natural disasters to the land of Egypt ( famously known as the 10 plagues of Egypt ) which were designed to both weaken the kingdom's economy and resolve. They were also designed to humiliate the god's of Eypt by demonstrating that there was a higher authority than they in respect the natural phenomena that occurred in the kingdom of Egypt.

Besides these phenomena, other forms of pressure were applied to the kingdom and in this passage, we see the advisors of the Egypt being stripped of their wisdom and converted into fools.

The effect of this deprecation of the wise men of Egypt is that Egypt was unable to understand what was happening to their country and they could not predict what coming next and thus could not tell the nation what to prepare for.

Another effect of the absence of wise counsel was that the kingdom of Egypt was easily deceived by any rumour or notion that swept across the country from Memphis to Zoan. 

The people who were being counted on to guide the people correctly through the barrage of plagues, instead led the citizens of Egypt astray and as their condition  worsened, they were unable to do anything else but to relinquish their slaves and the children of Israel were released from bondage.



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